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Singorama Review

Singorama Review

Singorama is a program that was created by a music professional known as Emily Mander and her team of music professionals. This program is in its second revision.

In a short amount of time, it has become quite popular in the world of downloadable singing courses on the internet and is perfect for the average beginner all the way to the intermediate student.

This is a complete course that will definitely improve the way that you sing. You will be learning for quite a while and the material will always be there for you to go back and reference in the future when you need to.

Just like most of the singing courses you will find, Singorama is audio-centric. However, there is also plenty of text-based info included as well.

This program is a cost-effective way to learn to sing like a professional right in your own home. You will be given access to professional coaching without having the added expense or inconvenience of private lessons.

Features and Singorama Review

You are sure to find a wide variety of very high-quality content in this course. Let’s take a look at the various lesson parts:


Singorama audio is organized into lessons, focusing on specific topics such as how to avoid incorporating bad habits, harmonizing, overcoming performance anxiety and stage fright, proper breathing, music theory, posture, and more.

Once you have mastered the basics, you’ll also be instructed on how to develop your personal “stage presence”, making each song your own, and how to sing with expression and feeling. You’ll find that the lessons are numbered sequentially, and build in a natural progression.

If you are interested in songwriting as well as singing, you’ll be happy to learn about the additional 3 hours of a mini-course on songwriting as well as 2 e-books on the same topic. This is a great option for those who would like to be able to perform their own compositions in the future.

Singorama is packed with great exercises that will help increase your vocal range, practice intervals, learn proper warm-up techniques and strengthen your voice. This course has 3 original songs that you can sing along with.

Each one has 3 tracks. The first is the full version, second is instrument only, and third is vocals only. All three of them are professionally recorded- the only drawback is that there are no lyrics included in the course so you can follow along with the song.


While Singorama is primarily an audio course, it also contains more reading material than most other singing courses. There are 2 e-books included: one that is for beginners and one that covers more advanced material.

All of the musical examples referenced have links to audio files so that you can easily play them- which makes it much easier to go through.

In addition, you will find 2 bonus e-books. One of them will make sure that you understand how to read music and the other one will demonstrate how to properly learn music.

This one should be read early on in your learning, as it’s full of some great advice.


Following, you will find some information on the software that is included with this course as a bonus. You can get both PC and Mac versions in your member’s area.

The great thing is, when you install the software, you only have to run one installer to add all programs to your computer.

  • Perfect Your Pitch: this is a great tool that shows a sequence of notes to identify based on their sound.
  • Singorama Mini Recording Studio: while this is really not a “full-featured” recording software, the mini recording studio is a really great bonus. It allows you to record your voice and also has some other functions as well. There is a virtual piano that you will use to stay on pitch or you can have it play from a list of scales.
  • Jayde Musica Pro: this is a music theory game that will teach you to read music and learn to identify the notes by hearing them. This is a great way to break up your routine voice lessons.
  • Singorama Metronome: this is just a basic metronome. You can adjust the speed, but there’s only one sound.

Overall, Singorama is an affordable voice lesson course that will cover the basic areas of singing as well as some of the more advanced areas. This is a great option if you can’t afford or don’t have time to hire a professional voice coach.

This course definitely impresses with its exceptional value when compared to other music lesson software or private lessons.